Home > Who We Are > Events > Megan Roberts Addicted to Crime - why I am, at least to crime taking place 200 years ago, and why you should rejoice to have a criminal ancestor. - 5/2/25

Zoom Programme 2024/25

The talk by Megan Roberts - Addicted to Crime - why I am, at least to crime taking place 200 years ago, and why you should rejoice to have a criminal ancestor will be held on the 5th of February, 2025 at 7.30pm and will be in English.

Zoom meetings will take place on the first Wednesday evening of the month from October through to April each year (excluding January). Meetings will commence at 7.30pm and the delivery language of each session is specified on the event's page. 

All society members who are registered with our Mailchimp accunt will be sent the Zoom link.

If you have not provided your email address and are a society member please email the secretary@chtgwyneddfhs.cymru, quoting your membership number and you will be sent the Zoom link. 

A warm welcome is extended to all!


Zoom branch
